How to Choose the Right Military Bag

Whether a military member or an outdoor enthusiast who is in need of a sturdy and heavy-duty bag, you should certainly take a look at the many styles of military bags. Made of different materials and coming in different sizes and shapes, these bags can certainly meet each and every one of your needs. Giving the fact that the choice is huge, you need to consider some important things in order to find the right type for your needs.


It goes without saying that only quality and durable materials are used for the creation of military bags Australia experts say. However, not all of them are made from the same material, and the truth is that there can be some notable differences between them, which is why understanding them is paramount.
tactical backpack outdoor

Standard Nylon

As we all know, nylon is an extremely durable material that has been used since ever. Lightweight but extremely sturdy, standard nylon is an appealing type of fabric that is resistant to tear. The best thing about them all is that nylon can be waterproofed which makes it great for outdoor use as well. So, regarding the weight of the load, nylon is able to carry almost anything.
nylon military bag

Cordura Nylon

Without a doubt, Cordura nylon is one of the most popular and most commonly used types of fabric material for military bags. It’s smooth, comfortable, lightweight and extremely durable which is why manufacturers use it for the design of quality and appealing military bags Australia wide. Although the weaving of this fabric material is not as tight as the one of the standard versions, still it can be waterproofed if needed.

Kodra Nylon

The truth is that the differences between the Cordura and Kodra nylon are minimal. They are so similar that both of them will provide you with a strong, hardwearing and appealing bag. As for Cordura, Kodra nylon also needs to be waterproofed and the only difference is that Kodra is made in Korea.


Canvas was one of the most popular types of fabrics used for military bags and backpacks in the past. However, with the appearance of nylon and its many types, slowly but surely canvas military bags were less used. And the reason for this is that canvas is heavier and more difficult to waterproof than nylon (although not impossible). Although not that used, these days you can still find a large selection of different size and shape of appealing canvas bags.

Rip-Stop Nylon

Unlike the other types of fabric, this one is pretty new on the market. The thing that makes it so popular and different from the other types of nylon is its square pattern that comes from the large threads that are after that weaved together. When compared to the other types of nylon, the rip-stop nylon is more resistant to wear and tear, and also more durable. And this all thanks to its large threads.

Fabric Density

When in the search for the right material for your military bag, make sure to take into account the fabric’s density. Finding the fabric’s density is easy and can be done by measuring the fabric’s weight as this can have a great impact on the bag’s strength, weight and durability. The measure used for measuring the fabric weight is called denier which is a unit of fineness of yarn equal to one gram per 9000 metres of yarn. The most important thing you need to know is that the higher the denier, the greater the durability, strength and weight of the material.

Bag’s Size

The last but not least thing to have in mind is the bag’s size and shape, in fact. You can choose from numerous types of military bags, and the one you choose can mainly depend on your needs. For instance, if planning to carry lots of load or large items with you, choosing a larger military bag would be recommended. However, you can also choose a bag that looks smaller but that also has the possibility to prolong its size thanks to its hidden zippers.

You should also consider all of the inside and outside pockets since they can also play a huge role in how many things you can store in it. The available options of military bags are huge, and so as your chances of finding the one that meets your needs.

One thing is certain, before making any decision, it is recommended to consider all of the options available on the market. You should also keep in mind that there is no bad fabric material, as long as you consider your needs and their qualities. However, giving the fact that you need a bag like this for military purposes, you should opt for one that is made of Cordura, Kodra or rip-stop material.

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